Code of Conduct

We, as Christians, are called to be salt and light. Others observe what we say and do. It is our obligation to represent Christ in a manner consistent with Biblical teaching (Philippians 1:25). Therefore, this Code of Conduct has been created as a guideline for our members and others who may participate. It is a parent's responsibility to instruct his.her child (children) in proper behavior and speech and to observe their child's education.

  1. Attendance at Outside Functions (i.e., field trips, group trips, com m unity work, club meetings, classes, etc.)

* Everyone should be courteous and attentive to speakers or guides.

* Please, see that your family stays with the group.

* Youth and children are to be supervised at all times.

* Play and chatter need to be kept to a minimum .

* W ear appropriate dress for the occasion.

  1. Manner of Dress (1 Timothy 2:9)

* Dress for parents, youth and children should be clean, well-maintained and modest.

* Please, no short-shorts, revealing tops, immodest swim wear, etc.

* Clothing and jewelry with occult, pagan, or crude messages or designs are not acceptable.

* Be sensitive to others who may be offended by clothing with secular designs or messages.

3. Speech (Let no corrupt communications proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” (Ephesians 4:29)

* Speech that is lewd, vulgar, or includes cursing is not acceptable.

* Parents should teach their children what is and is not appropriate to discuss with other children, especially with those that are younger.

4. Attitude Toward Others (Philippians 2:3-5)

* Respect others as cherished children of God.

* Teasing or ridicule of others is not acceptable (i.e., personal religious beliefs, weight, glasses, etc.)

* Always be ready to encourage, edify, and support each other in love..

5. Personal Example (1 Timothy 4:12-16)

* At CCHEA functions, the following activities are expressly prohibited:

- smoking or the use of any tobacco products,

- use or possession of alcohol

- use or possession of illegal drugs,

- or theft. If it doesn’t belong to you, HANDS OFF!

6. Personal Relationship (1 Timothy 4:12)

* Boyfriend/girlfriend public displays of affection are entirely inappropriate at CCHEA functions.

* Parents should teach their children to exercise discretion in their conversations with others about boy-girl relationships.

7. Respect for Church Building and Public Property (Matthew 7:12 and Philippians 2:4)

* Everyone will be expected to show responsibility and respect for any facility we use.

* Please, express appreciation to those who extend their hospitality toward us.

* Notify one of the leaders immediately if any dam age occurs to the property, especially vandalism .

* Those that litter or create a mess should be reminded to clean up after them selves. Anyone should feel free to give such reminders in a polite manner. If the responsible party is unwilling to correct the problem , please notify one of the leaders at that time, not later.

8. Music, Magazines, books, etc. (1 Corinthians 8:9)

* All music, magazines, books, etc., that are brought to CCHEA functions should encourage and strengthen our Faith.

* Please, be sensitive that some may not approve for their families what others, in an honest evaluation of their faith, have accepted for theirs.

9. Conflicts (Colossians 3:12-13, Hebrews 12:14-15, and Ephesians 4:31-32)

* All conflicts should be resolved in a Christ-like manner, based upon Biblical principles.

* The Bible teaches us that if our brother or sister has offended us, we are responsible to go to that person and make it right. (Matthew 18:15-17)

* The Bible teaches us that if we have offended our brother or sister, we are responsible to go to that person and make it right. (Matthew 5:23)

* Please, don’t discuss your conflicts with uninvolved parties.

* Simple rule of thumb: If you’re not part of the problem or part of the solution, you’re gossiping.

Our Code of Conduct is meant to be a guideline. W e hope to strengthen our fellowship and our faith in Christ through a mutual understanding of com m on and courteous behavior that will demonstrate to our children and to others who observe us that we truly do represent Christ in all that we say and do.

In the event that there are those who choose to disregard the guidelines set forth in this Code, our leadership will contact the individuals involved in such behavior. If they choose to disregard the encouragement to change said behavior, the leadership reserves the right to drop those individuals from CCHEA membership. Reinstatement of membership will be granted only after the leadership feels appropriate changes have been made. (Colossians 3:12-13)

Revised 7/30/2009